Man From Las Vegas Wins $1m Vax Nevada Days Jackpot

A man from Las Vegas has won the $1m grand prize in the two-month promotion designed to boost the uptake of vaccinations in Nevada.
A Las Vegas man has won the $1m jackpot in the “Vax Nevada Days’ promotion created by Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak.
Halim P. won $1m as part of the Vax Nevada Days promotion. Two students from Las Vegas won a $50,000 tuition prize. The promotion was launched in mid-June and ended on Thursday. Nevada's governor, Steve Sisolak, encouraged Nevadans to get vaccinated.
Man From Las Vegas Wins $1m Vax Nevada Days Jackpot. Promotion raises percentages. Sisolak introduced “VaxNevada Days’ in light of a vaccination slump in June and July. The take-up dipped from around 7,000 per day in mid-June to less than 5,00 daily in July, when Siscoak handed out the first cash prizes.
Nevada follows the lead of other states in introducing multimillion dollar lottery promotions to boost vaccinations.
Halim P. received his check for $1m from the Vax Nevada Days promotion.