Jakarta Police Uncover 72 Cases of Online Gambling in 4 Days

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TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Jakarta Metro Police uncovered 72 online gambling cases in just four days, from August 21 to August 24, 2022. The operation was done under the orders of the National Police chief, Gen. Listyo Sigit Prabowo, to eradicate all forms of gambling, both conventional and online.

"We have acted upon the National Police Chief's orders to eradicate online gambling in the Jakarta area. As of today, the Metro Police have unraveled 72 cases of online gambling," Jakarta Metro Police's PR chief, Sr. Comr. Endra Zulpan said on Thursday, August 25, 2022.

According to Zulpan, most of the cases were uncovered by the General Crimes Investigation Directorate (Ditreskrimum) with 19 cases. The South Tangerang Resort Police's probe revealed 13 cases.

In addition to online gambling operations, the Jakarta Metro Police are also committed to combating drug and alcohol-related crimes, fuel misappropriation, and acts of crime involving staple food items.

"The police have also uncovered other disturbing cases related to drugs, 128 cases; LPG two cases; illegal levies, nine cases; inappropriate behavior, three cases; and for the illegal sales of liquor, we arrested 406 people," he said.