Canada: B.C. casinos set to reopen July 1 after 15 months closed

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ritish Columbia Lottery Commission (BCLC)will reopen casinos on 1st July, after being shut down since March 2020 due to the pandemic.

Lynda Cavanaugh, the interim president, and CEO for BCLC confirmed on May 26 that the casinos would be reopening in step three of the province restart program.

British Columbia's View Royal Mayor David Screechpraised the announcement, claiming that the revenue change had an impact on View Royal municipality. Before the pandemic, Element Casino, one of the largest facilities on the Island of Vancouver, contributed about $5 million to six local municipalities.

Specific details for reopening are being developed through consultation between BCLC representatives and service providers, ministry staff, public health officials, and WorkSafe BC, Saanich News reports. Expected changes will include spacing of at least two meters between table games, slot machines, and other equipment. Physical barriers are to be erected in areas where distancing is impossible.

People in a gaming facility will be limited to the number of active seats available on the gaming floor. The only table games that will be allowed are only those cards that can be dealt face-up. Players will not be allowed to touch cards except for Squeeze Baccarat.

Before the reopening, casino staff is to undergo thorough training regarding the health and safety protocols. Facilities will continue to monitor standards such as air quality, ensuring that existing ventilation systems meet them.