Town Square's New Year Bingo progressive jackpot estimated to reach $3,700

Ripon Press
Town Square's New Year Bingo progressive jackpot estimated to reach $3,700
Wild Casino

Welcome 2024 with Town Square’s New Year’s Bingo. The event will take place Saturday, Dec. 30, with doors and concessions opening at 5 p.m., card sales starting at 5:30 and games commencing at 6:30.

The evening consists of 13 games, including speedy bingo and a progressive blackout.

The highlight of the night is the progressive jackpot standing at $3,106, plus half of the night’s sales if bingo is called in 55 numbers or less, with a consolation prize of $200. The jackpot is estimated to reach $3,700.

“I look forward to Town Square’s New Year’s celebration with bingo night, a fun and community-focused alternative to the usual crowded parties,” bingo volunteer Steve Cross said. “It’s a perfect occasion for the weekend and a lighthearted evening.”

Concessions will be available for purchase, including hot dogs, chips, beer and wine. Carry-ins are prohibited.

Attendees may arrive early to find their preferred seats before the games begin.

Minors are welcome to play bingo in Wisconsin, but must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Bingo takes place at Town Square on the last Saturday of every month. Proceeds from the bingo games support Town Square, an award-winning community center located in the historic county courthouse buildings in the heart of downtown Green Lake.