Tamil Nadu Banned Online Gambling, EGF to Challenge Law

Author: Live Casino Direct
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Tamil Nadu introduced a law banning online gambling this week. The bill will be challenged by the E-gaming Federation.

Tamil Nadu Assembly passed a bill to ban online gambling in the state and replace an Ordinance recently promulgated by Governor Ravi banning online gaming and regulating online games. The bill states that online betting is addictive and presents challenges to authorities in terms of designing an appropriate regulatory regime. The report provided by a committee headed by retired High Court Justice K. Chandru said that any game except for word games and board games not involving a random number generator in its online version cannot be compared with its offline version.

The bill will be challenged in court by the EGF. They claim it is in conflict with the Supreme Court and several High Courts. The federation wants a comprehensive online gaming policy to ensure player protection. They also want to allow only legitimate online skill-gaming operators to offer their services and weed out businesses that break the law.