NY Casino Pitches Rile Locals Who Oppose Casinos in Their Backyards

Author: Live Casino Direct
NY Casino Pitches Rile Locals Who Oppose Casinos in Their Backyards
Wild Casino

The Water Club is bidding for a casino in New York City. The locals don't want it.

NY Casino Pitches Rile Locals Who Oppose Casinos in Their Backyards. Some residents fear that their peace and quiet would be disturbed by the 24,000 sq ft property. Daniel Devine believes that a casino project is overall needed and for better and worse, it would arrive at some point. Sandra McKee is loath of the idea and points out that there already was another casino ono Rockaway Boulevard.

There are three casino licenses to be awarded this year. Hard Rock International, Wynn Resorts and Las Vegas Sands are interested in applying. There are also proposals to build a futuristic casino in New York.