New Orleans Casino Market Subject to Major Revenue Decrease

Every casino market in the United States is trying to get back on its feet after closing back in March due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. In New Orleans, the casino revenues were down by 36.5% in November.
$151.8 million was generated last month in New Orleans casinos. This is a decrease of almost 26% compared to the previous year. The casinos are only allowed to operate at 50% capacity. Video poker revenues did increase 2.9% with $54.6 million earned.
New Orleans Casino Market is subject to a revenue decrease.
Harrah's in New Orleans saw a 43% drop in revenues in November. The Treasure Chest saw the most decline in revenue, earning $5.6 million compared to $8.5 million last year. Evangeline Downs saw an increase in earnings by 20%. Lake Charles venue saw decrease from almost $74 million to just over $57 million.