New lessons created on gambling and gaming dangers

Author: Live Casino Direct
New lessons created on gambling and gaming dangers
Wild Casino

New lessons have been published by the Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA). They cover topics from sports betting and scratch cards to betting in online video games. Some schools in Northern Ireland already use a series of lessons drawn up by Gambling with Lives charity.

New CCEA lessons on gambling and gaming awareness for 11 to 14-year-olds have been published. They cover topics from sports betting and scratch cards to betting in online video games. Dundonald High School in Northern Ireland already uses the Gambling with Lives lessons. The lessons encourage pupils to discuss how they spend their leisure time and what makes them happy. It also covers what they know about gambling. The CCAE guidance says young people enjoy gaming and should be taught about its positives and negatives. There are concerns about in-game spending and loot boxes. Loot boxes have previously been linked to problem gambling, but they can also be beneficial.