Loto-Québec Publishes 2021-22 Fiscal Report

Casino Reports
Loto-Québec Publishes 2021-22 Fiscal Report
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This week, Loto-Québec published its financial report for the 2021-2022 fiscal year, during which the Crown corporation achieved some important goals and contributions. Despite the closure of its establishments during the FY, the Crown agency managed to reach CA$2.217 billion in total revenues. This is a 57.5% or CA$809.7 million increase over the results of 2020-2021.

Due to the provincially imposed protocols, the Crown managed to produce total revenue of 81% of its pre-unprecedented situation levels of 2019-2020, despite its gaming locations being opened for around 60% in 2021-2022. And through exceptional management, the company’s lottery, casino, and online gaming have played a major part in the impressive results.

Recap by Sectors

It was a record-setting financial year for lottery revenue as for the first time ever surpassed the CA$1 billion mark, and it amounted to CA$1.043 billion in particular. For 2021-2022, online lottery revenue hit CA$4.2 million, which is a 3.5% increase. The rather slow activity can be explained by the website improvements. Online gaming revenue now accounts for 12% of the total lottery revenue.

The Crown’s revenue from casino and gaming hall operations reached CA$657.2 million as guests were eager to return. This is a boost of CA$323.5 million in comparison to last year. While online casino revenue from lotoquebec.com and its website enhancements hit CA$18.4 or 7.4% more than last year. Online gaming revenue amount to 40.4% of total casino and gaming hall revenue.

In addition to that, the Crown reports online lottery and casino revenue of CA$390.9 million or a CA$22.6 million increase in comparison to 2020-2021. Revenue from the online platform stands for 17.6% of the Crown’s total revenue figures, which is a significant increase from the 2019-2020 percentage when they amounted to only 5% of the total revenue.

Contributions and Important Milestones

In the Fiscal Year 2020-2021, Loto-Québec also appointed Ann MacDonald as Chair of its Board of Directors. She replaced Hélène F. Fortin, who was at the position since 2008. During the year, the company had to on two occasions. Both times, the corporation made sure that it had implemented safe protocols to ensure the safety of both staff and patrons on its premises.

This is not all, as during the said financial year, the lottery has also introduced initiatives such as its Méga 360 game and the highly-anticipated single-event betting. Both of which have proved to be quite successful among bettors. The Crown also launched its first charitable lottery title, Loto-o-suivant, which debuted with the Play to Give Promotion in casinos and gaming halls.

Other important aspects of last year’s fiscal year, include the company campaign for promoting tools for responsible gambling online, as well as the option to set a time limit on players’ online activities. On November 29, the Crown opened Salon de Jeux de Québec at its new location at the Méga Centre Beauport, which also has a prize claiming office.