Georgian authorities declare war to online casinos

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The Georgian authorities came up with an initiative to ban online casinos in the country, Sputnik Georgia reports.

At the first stage, it is planned to increase taxes for them, ban advertising, introduce an age limit (25+), and at the second stage, ban the activities of all online casinos altogether.

The authorities moved from words to actions - the bill has already been approved by the Georgian parliament in the first reading.

When the bill is passed, the ban on gambling will apply to gambling addicts (addicted to gambling) and a certain category of persons who will be banned by the state from gambling. The list will later be drawn up by the Ministry of Finance of Georgia. It is already known that it will include officials and citizens with the status of a socially unprotected person.

According to the project initiators, this will deprive almost 1 million people of the right to play, and because of this, the budget will lose 50 million in annual income.

Another limitation will be the prohibition of gambling both on electronic pages and on TV. Exceptions are sports events and the airport area.

It is also planned to ban television advertising for gambling business, outdoor advertising and advertising on Georgian websites.