European Safer Gambling Week, 1-7 November 2021

Author: Live Casino Direct
European Safer Gambling Week, 1-7 November 2021
Wild Casino

The European Gaming and Betting Association (EGBA) and its partners are organizing the first European Safer Gambling Week from 1-7 November 2021. The theme of this first ESGW is “Fostering a Stronger Culture of Safier Gambling in Europe”. It is being organised for the the first time by EGBA in conjunction with supporting national online gambling associations.

There are many associations supporting gaming industry. They include AOJND, APAJO, BAGGO, EBGBA, IBA and NOGA. European Safer Gambling Week is planned for 1-7 November 2021.

European Safer Gambling Week is held from 1-7 November 2021. AOJND, APAJO, BGC, EGA, IBA, NOGA, LIAB, GENEGBA and JDigital are the associations involved in this event.