Eileen Wins ARCH 50/50 Jackpot!

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Eileen Wins ARCH 50/50 Jackpot!
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ARCH is pleased to announce that Eileen Falcioni has won $17,310 from the July 50/50 Grand Prize Draw with ticket number #A-5602075.

She said “as soon as I saw that ARCH was calling me, I had a feeling. I was so excited!”

Eileen buys each month and also gives ARCH 50/50 tickets as gifts throughout the year to her loved ones. We are so grateful for her ongoing support of Hospice.

Eileen’s connection to ARCH is her participation in drumming circles with volunteers in the past. She has performed and shared her talents and music with the residents in their final days. The purpose of a drumming circle is equality and sharing one rhythm in unison. This sense of unity and comradery is reminiscent in the support we receive from our community with our 50/50 draw. People helping people, it’s what ARCH is all about, and Eileen embodies that perfectly.

Congratulations, Eileen! We’re so grateful for you.

“It is so nice to see a familiar face win our draw. It feels amazing to be able to help people who have continuously supported us. This is a story about paying it forward. ARCH is so thankful for all of the love from the community for our 50/50 Draw. Our residents and their families greatly benefit from your contributions,” shared Julie Premo, Manager of Training & Coordination with ARCH.

Our Early Bird Draws take place on the second Wednesday of each month! Purchasing your tickets in advance will give you a chance at both the $1,000 Early Bird Prize and the end-of-month Grand Prize.

Tickets for the August ARCH 50/50 are on sale now at www.ARCH5050.ca! The winner’s jackpot has a guaranteed minimum of $9,999 and early bird ticket-holders will have a chance at winning an additional $1,000. Proceeds raised from the 50/50 go directly towards the care and support of hundreds of residents, community clients, and their families served by ARCH each year. The deadline to purchase tickets for August’s Grand Prize Draw is August 31st at 9:30 am – this month’s winner could be YOU!