Casino Drama Trio: Abduction, Robbery, and Suicidal Man

Author: Live Casino Direct
Casino Drama Trio: Abduction, Robbery, and Suicidal Man
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There was an alleged attempted kidnapping, a suicidal climber, and a knifepoint robbery at three casinos in California, Michigan and Edinburgh, Scotland.

Timothy Beitel, 39, of Woodland, California, tried to abduct a woman from Cache Creek Casino Resort in Yolo County. He drove off the casino property and parked his truck at the dead end of a county road. The woman spotted a stolen Smith & Wesson 9mm semi-automatic. She flagged down some ranchers who took her back to the Casino. Beiteel was arrested for kidnapping, being a convicted felon in possession of the firearm, and having a stole firearm.

Knifeman robbed a casino worker at knifepoint robbery in Edinburgh's Genting Casino Fountain Park on August 9. He threatened the worker with a knife and took a five-figure sum in cash and casino chips.

threatened other casino workers at the cash desk, taking a “five figure sum in cash and casino chips”

A suicidal man scaled a construction elevator mast outside the Island Resort & Casino in Harris Township, Michigan. The 34-year-old Escanaba male was talked down by the negotiator team operating from the hotel's roof. He was placed in protective custody.