Which country has the highest gambling losses?

Author: Live Casino Direct
Which country has the highest gambling losses?
Super Slots

Gambling is a huge industry worth billions of dollars each year. The most common method of gambling is online. Macau is at the top when it comes to revenue per capita, but it doesn't rank very high on the list of countries with the highest gambling losses. Australia has more slot machines than any other country.

Australia has the highest gambling losses per capita. The average Australian loses almost $1200 a year. This is 50 percent more than the second-placed country, Singapore. Singapore has taken steps to discourage the practice.

The United States is the most gambling-dependent country in the world. It has 33 states that permit casino gambling. More than 5 million adults have problem gambling and 500,000 teenagers. The United states suffers over $100 billion in gambling losses each year.

Finland is a country with a high gambling problem. In the past year, Finnish citizens lost $515 on average. It is estimated that hundreds of thousands of Finns have gambling problems. Responsible gambling policies and treatment services can help to combat the problem in Finland.

Hong Kong has one of the highest levels of gambling losses in the world. Around 90 percent of men have participated in some form of betting. In Hong Kong, people who accept or make bets illegally can face up to HK$5 million in fines.

Greece has seen some of its largest gambling losses in recent years. Last year alone, the country lost $2.3 billion. The government has to privatize some assets to pay for its multi-billion euro bailout. Greece sold a 33% stake in the state-controlled gambling company OPAP last August.

Singaporeans lose an average of $725 per person per year due to gambling activities. About 0.9% of the population suffers from gambling addiction and 28,000 people suffer from pathological gambling.

Which country has the highest gambling losses?