What Hollywood Gets Wrong About Women Gamblers

Author: Live Casino Direct
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Hollywood is still a male-dominated industry. Most of the classic gambling movies were made before the rise of feminism in the 1970s. Since then, few mainstream films about gambling have featured female protagonists. In recent years, there have been several excellent films starring strong female leads, such as Lucky You (2007), Mississippi Grind (2015), and Toni Erdmann (2016).

Hollywood has a long history of depicting female gamblers as either sex symbols or damsels in distress. Women gambers are just as intelligent, successful and in control of their gambling habits as men. Studies show that women are more likely than men to make smart decisions when gambling. Since the 1970s, few mainstream films about gambling have featured female protagonists. In recent years, there have been several excellent films starring strong female leads, such as Lucky You (2007), Mississippi Grind (2015), and Toni Erdmann (2016).

According to research, among emerging adults involved in problematic gambling, 14% were men and 3% women. Unlike Hollywood movies, women are not just decorative pieces in casinos.

There are plenty of badass women in gambling movies. New casino newbies make rookie mistakes.

Don't gamble more than you can afford to lose. Be aware of the odds and know when to walk away. Stick to games you understand and don't be afraid to ask for help.

Both men and women can find a niche in gambling. Bingo and lotteries are more appealing to women, whereas sporting events and horse racing are appealing for males. In real life, women and gambling are not mutually exclusive. Television and movies underrate the connection between the two.