Upcoming grand events at Grand Falls Casino & Golf Resort

Upcoming grand events at Grand Falls Casino & Golf Resort
Super Slots

Take a moment to think of your dream night out: What does it include? For some, it might be a friend or two, a cocktail, a live show, and a spin on their favorite slot machine.If that resonates with you…you’re in luck! You can do all that, and much more, just a short drive east of Sioux Falls to Grand Falls Casino & Golf Resort.Whatever your idea of a dream night, our two guests today want to make it happen. Walker Schmidt is the Entertainment Coordinator for Grand Falls, and Greta Stewart is the Casino and Golf Resort’s Marketing Director.

They stopped by today to tell us what they’ve been planning for the months and how you can get your hands on tickets to all the fun. They even shared details on how you can work with them to book your next work event to create a winning team.

Whether you are looking for a concert, a brilliant comedy show,or a few spins on a slot machine, Grand Falls Casino and Golf Resort offers the perfect place for adventure.

And don’t forget to enter for your chance to win a pair of tickets to hear Tommy DeCarlo, the voice of Boston, rock the house at Grand Falls Casino and Golf Resort’s Event Center on Saturday, November 25th. We’re announcing the winner on KELOLAND LIVING on Tuesday, November 21st.