Top trending casino games in Canada this year

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Top trending casino games in Canada this year
Super Slots

2022 has been a good year for casino gaming enthusiasts in Canada – at least, for those living in Ontario and Nova Scotia. Earlier this year, both provinces introduced new laws that made it legal for online casinos to operate within their borders – at least, under certain conditions.

The biggest change was in Ontario, where any casino business can now get licensed, provided it meets the necessary conditions. In a little over six months, Ontario has already issued licenses to more than 30 online gambling brands. The situation in Nova Scotia is a little different. It has not opened up an online gambling market like Ontario, but it has launched a government-run online casino that can be accessed via the provincial lottery’s website.

Online casino gaming is nothing new in Canada, but this is the first time web-based casinos have been permitted to operate domestically. It means more choice and better deals for Canadian gamblers who can check out online casino reviews to make an informed choice of where to gamble.

Data from iGaming Ontario shows that over 600,000 have signed up to play so far – and that is just in Ontario. But what games have these new casino players been enjoying? That involves a little more digging, but we have the answers.

Slots are the top choice

It’s unsurprising that slot games are the most popular among new players, given that there are so many to choose from. In fact, slots outnumber all other casino games put together! Most casino sites gently nudge new players towards slots, too, by offering them free spin bonuses when they first register.

Slot games are fun, exciting and have the extra incentive of significant jackpots that are not a feature of most table games. However, when you have a bad run, they can decimate a modest bankroll alarmingly quickly.

Roulette is the top table game

Casino industry insiders have been a little surprised to see that roulette has been the most popular table game for Canadians in 2022, eclipsing blackjack. On reflection, however, this is unsurprising.

Roulette is easy to play and does not demand experience or strategic thinking. In fact, it is the ideal game for casino newcomers, as they are no less likely to win than experienced players. Also, if you stick to the even money bets, roulette is unlikely to hit your bankroll too hard or fast.

Blackjack knocked down to third

Globally, blackjack is the most popular casino game of them all. In Canada, it has been temporarily knocked down to third spot, but this is due to the specific advantages of slots and roulette for new players that we have already discussed.

Blackjack rewards practice and study in a tangible way. Learn basic strategy and you will see your results affected accordingly, as you reduce the house edge. Blackjack is such a popular casino classic, there is little doubt its ranking in Canada will start to recover.