The Salvation Army Oasis Promotes ‘Weaving Your Way To Wellbeing’ This Gambling Harm Awareness Week, 30 August

The Salvation Army Oasis Promotes ‘Weaving Your Way To Wellbeing’ This Gambling Harm Awareness Week, 30 August
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With the theme ‘Weaving your way to wellbeing’, TheSalvation Army Oasis is focusing on helping people weavewellbeing and strength into their lives through healthyactivities this Gambling Harm Awareness Week.

Thetheme is based on the whakataukī ‘Nāku te rourou nāu terourou ka ora ai te iwi – with your basket and my basket,we will sustain everyone’. In the same way that weavingtransforms harakeke into a stronger and more useful item,weaving tools or activities that build wellbeing into ourlives can help us to overcome challenges and move away fromgambling harm. By sharing these tools, we can make friendsand whānau stronger too.

TheSalvation Army Oasis invites people across Aotearoa to getinvolved in Gambling Harm Awareness Week by sharing the waysthey keep themselves and their whānau well. Anyone can takepart by sharing their activity – a photo, video or awritten account – on The Salvation Army Oasis website (,on our Facebook page (,or at participating Oasis centres (where Covid19 lockdownrules allow).

The first 100 people to share willreceive a free kete/care package filled with goodies tobuild wellbeing, based on the four walls and foundation ofSir Mason Durie’s Te Whare Tapa Whā – taha wairua(spiritual wellbeing), taha hingenaro (mental and emotionalwellbeing), taha tinana (physical wellbeing), taha whānau(family and social wellbeing), and whenua (connection to theland). There are also 15 high-value spot prizes, including aKindle Paperwhite, Apple AirPods, a Samsung Galaxy A12phone, Google Chromecast 2018, JBL Live 400BT headphones, aLenovo M10 2nd Gen tablet, Fitbit, Logitech speakers,Panasonic Lumix FT30 Touch camera and more.

Tools tomove away from gambling harm available now on Oasiswebsite

The Salvation Army Oasis has recentlylaunched two online tools available at

Thefirst is an interactivegambling harm quiz — a questionnaire that gives eachuser personalised feedback on their answers, including howtheir gambling compares to other New Zealanders.

Thesecond is the recently launched webchat, where visitors tothe Oasis website can chat live with a trained gamblingcounsellor — a great resource for people who are unsureabout gambling counselling or facing barriers toface-to-face support.

The Salvation Army Oasisprovides free counselling and support for gamblers and theirloved ones across Aotearoa at all Covid-19 alert levels.During alert levels 3 and 4, anyone affected can accesssupport via phone, videocall, email, text and webchat.Face-to-face appointments are available at alert levels 1and 2. Visit call 0800 53 00 00 to be connected toyour nearest Oasiscentre.