Oakland, Jackson County residents sentenced for roles in former Waterford Township illegal gambling operation following state investigation

State of Michigan
Wild Casino

Detroit,Dec. 7, 2022 – Two OaklandCounty residents and one Jackson County resident were sentenced recently inOakland County’s 6 Circuit Court for their roles in an illegalgambling operation at the now-closed Fortune Internet Café, 3474 Pontiac LakeRd., Waterford. Charges were filed June 8 following a joint investigation bythe Michigan Department of Attorney General and the Michigan Gaming ControlBoard.

“An unregulatedgaming operation offers no controls to protect the public, often targets seniorcitizens and low-income areas and can bring unwanted crime to a community,”said Henry Williams, Michigan Gaming Control Board executive director. “TheMichigan Gaming Control Board and Michigan Department of Attorney General workclosely to investigate and eliminate gambling enterprises operating outside ofMichigan law.”

Shelly Ann Leinenger,61, of Pontiac pleaded guilty Oct. 5 to one felony count of gambling operationsand was sentenced Nov. 16 to one day in jail with credit for one day, a $1,000fine and $258 in fees and court costs.

Stacey LynnHoustina, 52, of Pontiac, pleaded guilty Oct. 5 to one misdemeanor count ofgambling house – maintaining for gain and was sentenced Nov. 16 to one day injail with credit for one day, a $250 fine and $258 in fees and court costs.

Shannon LeighMolina, 46, of Jackson pleaded guilty June 29 to one misdemeanor count of maintaininga gambling house for gain and was sentenced Aug. 17 to two days in jail withcredit for two days, a $500 fine and $258 in fees and court costs.

Allgambling-related money and other evidence was ordered forfeited to the State ofMichigan. The forfeited items included $3,022 in cash and gift cards, 32slot-style gaming computers and two standalone slot-style gaming machines.

Judge MichaelWarren presided over sentencing.

The MGCBpublishes a bulletin on illegal gambling and a fact sheet on unregulated gambling machines on its website.

Anyone mayreport suspected illegal gambling activity in Michigan by contacting the MGCBat 1-888-314-2682 or by email at MiGamblingTip@michigan.gov.

"The MichiganGaming Control Board shall ensure the conduct of fair and honest gaming toprotect the interests of the citizens of the State of Michigan."