Johor cops bust online gambling syndicate, 12 arrested

The Star
Johor cops bust online gambling syndicate, 12 arrested
Wild Casino

JOHOR BARU: Police have busted an online gambling syndicate with the arrest of 12 male suspects working as operators at a fake investment calling centre.

Johor Baru South deputy OCPD Supt Lim Jit Huey said that based upon information, police raided a premises located within the Taman Pelangi residential area here at around 12.30am on Thursday (Dec 30).

“We arrested the suspects, between the ages of 18 and 33, where we also seized 12 laptops, 47 mobile phones and seven script books used by them to cheat victims.

“This syndicate has been operating at the premises less than a month before the raid and each suspect received a salary of RM2,500,” he said.

Supt Lim added that the suspects would befriend their victims, who are all foreigners, through social media before cheating them.

He also said that checks on the suspects, all locals, found three of them have priors involving cheating and online gambling.

All the suspects were remanded until Jan 1 to assist with the investigations.

Supt Lim added the case is being investigated under Section 420 of the Penal Code for cheating and Section 4(1)g of the Open House Gambling Act 1953.