FUN Token Goes Layer-2: The Decentralized Future of Online Gambling Draws Closer

Author: Live Casino Direct
FUN Token Goes Layer-2: The Decentralized Future of Online Gambling Draws Closer
Wild Casino

Fun Token is an ERC-20 token with a vision to bring decentralized online gambling to the mainstream. It was in danger of being abandoned, but acquired it in February., the seventh-largest online casino in the world, harnessed FUN Token for its Premium Membership program. The project brought the token to over 46 million users. Binance added FUN to its Locked Savings program and it gained 170,000 new users in a matter of months.

FUN Token is moving to the Polygon Network. It will launch a new Layer-2 token on the network to leverage its high performance and low transaction fees. Over 250,000 users will be brought on to Polygo. New tokens will also be issued in exchange for escrowing FUN Tokens. In the coming weeks, a full-fledged, truly decentralized casino for the L2 Token will take place.

FUN Token is developing a token ecosystem based on a Layer-2 blockchain. It plans to use 50% of its gaming profits to burn tokens strategically.