Fort St. John restaurant owner cooks up online jackpot

Prince George Citizen
Fort St. John restaurant owner cooks up online jackpot
Wild Casino

After finishing the lunch rush at his Fort St. John restaurant, Kyung Lee’s quick break to play’s Cleopatra MegaJackpots slots game before the dinner rush won him a massive prize of $766,705.57.

“Usually on Fridays during my break I try to play a little bit,” said Lee, who won the life-changing prize on March 25. “It was only me at the restaurant at the time as my wife was out buying groceries for the dinner rush.”

Alone in his office when he won, Lee says the win didn’t feel real at first.

“I didn’t realize it because the game just stopped and said I had won. I couldn’t believe that it happened to me. I was so excited, I had to walk around in the kitchen for a while.”

When his wife returned, Lee delivered the good news.

“I told her that somebody won a big prize on,” said Lee. “And after she asked, I told her that it was me!”

Lee says there were some happy tears with he and his wife, calling his win “a dream come true.”

“I’m happy, because now this means I won’t have to worry about my retirement.”