Do Online Problem Gambling Surveys Suffer From Selection Bias Effects?

Problem gamblers are more likely to take Internet surveys. Problem gambling is over-reported. The apparent rate varies depending on the methodology used.
A survey by UK’s GambleAware claims that online problem gambling surveys are biased in favor of lying. Problem gambling advocate Jamie Salsburg claims the opposite is true. SALSburg is a recovering gambling addict who last wagered on July 15, 2010.
Survey using mostly or entirely online self-completion produces higher estimates of gambling harm than a paper self completion questionnaire.
Online surveys are more likely to self-select online gamblers. Online bettors are also more prone to show indicators of problem gambling.
Being an online gambler creates the highest risk factor for problem gambling at 5.4%. The second risk is betting twice or more a week. GambleAware recommends that problem-gambling surveys should be conducted mostly online.
There are too many online and frequent gamblers. Online and regular gambling are associated with a higher risk of gambling harm.