Digital fraudsters shift focus to gaming, with 36% growth in online gambling during Q2

Author: Live Casino Direct
Wild Casino

TransUnion reports strong transaction volumes and fraud attempts in mid-to-late June 2021. Gaming and travel and leisure were the most impacted industries globally for the suspected digital fraud attempt rate. In the U.S., this rate rose 261.9% for gaming and 136.6% for travel.

TransUnion reports strong transaction volumes and fraud attempts in mid-to-late June 2021. Fraudsters are re-focusing their efforts from financial services to the gaming, travel and leisure industries. The suspected digital fraud attempt rate rose 393% and 155.9% for gaming and 136.6% in travel. Online gambling saw a 36% growth in Q2. The increase in suspected fraud at login integration points increased from 8% to 56% between 2020 and 2021, mostly due to increased Botnet activity and Transactions Per Account.