Dallmeier Launches Casino 2.0 Information Campaign: Making Casino Operations Easier

Author: Live Casino Direct
Dallmeier Launches Casino 2.0 Information Campaign: Making Casino Operations Easier
Wild Casino

Dallmeier is launching a campaign to promote the use of modern video technology in casinos. The company has been working in this field for over 20 years. Its clients include Surveillance Managers, IT Manages, Gaming Managed, Marketing Manage, CEOs or purchasing managers. Dall Meier will provide information material for each of these target groups on the new casino website.

Dallmeier launches a campaign to make casino operations easier. Surveillance managers in casino operate to prevent and resolve a wide variety of events and incidents. They must meet ever-increasing regulatory and occupational health and safety requirements.

Dallmeier launches a campaign to improve Casino operations. The information campaign is presented in detail in the White Paper and a video. It compares traditional gaming floor PTZ cameras with "real" 360° systems such as the Dall Meier Panomera W8.