Casinos in Maryland generate third-best revenue record in April with $162 M

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aryland’s state lottery said on Wednesday that during the month of April they had generated their third-highest revenues ever, reports the Associated Press.

all-time record of $169 million in March, the state’s six casinos generated $162 million in revenue last month. April’s total is almost 12% more than April in 2019 when all of the state’s casinos were closed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Approximately, $70 million of last month’s casino revenue will go to the state.

Despite the fact that MGM National Harbor and Baltimore’s Horseshoe Casino were limited to 50% capacity during April due to local orders, the casinos still raised larger revenues.

The remaining four casinos had no capacity limitations, however, some slot machines and table games seats could not be occupied, since all casinos are to comply with social-distancing guidelines.