7 Interesting Online Casino Facts You Didn’t Know

Gambling Sites
7 Interesting Online Casino Facts You Didn’t Know
Wild Casino

We’re back with another blog focusing on interesting aspects of the intricate art of gambling. This time around, we’ll be presenting you with 7 online casino facts you (probably) didn’t know. There’s going to be something for everyone, so grab yourself a coffee and enjoy the ride!

Seven Online Casino Facts

These seven online casino facts range from interesting (but useless) information to essential tips and tricks that ought to help you maximize your profits. Here’s what I am talking about:

Online Casinos Are Nothing New

Contrary to popular belief, online casinos are nothing new. They’ve been around for almost 30 years now. More precisely, the first online casinos emerged in the mid-90s and offered simple casino games like slots and blackjack.

At first, they didn’t really kick off. Nothing surprising considering the fact internet wasn’t widely available at the time. Mind you, we’re talking 1994 here – the internet was rare and considered a luxury back then.

But, it all changed with the massive developments in internet infrastructure in the early 2000s. During this period, online casinos experienced massive growth and started offering lots of additional games. We’re talking about a plethora of additional online slots as well as live table games which were a massive breakthrough at the time.

The next big breakthrough happened with the exponential growth of mobile devices. They pushed online casinos from desktop PCs and laptops to widely used smartphones. With the added benefits of convenience and gambling on the go, online casinos reached new heights, all thanks to the explosion of mobile devices.

The new boom is expected to come with the rise of virtual and augmented reality, as well as crypto gambling. More on the latter right down below.

Crypto Gambling Is a Real Thing

Even though real money online casinos are still leading the charge, more and more crypto gambling platforms are popping up left and right. Yep, crypto gambling is a real thing. It’s not just another crypto scam… if you know what you’re doing, that is.

Crypto gambling represents a relatively new form of gambling that doesn’t involve real money. Instead, these gambling platforms rely solely on digital assets known as cryptocurrencies. The most popular gambling cryptocurrencies are Bitcoin and Ethereum. They are the two most widely used specimens for online gambling.

What’s so special about crypto gambling? Well, it gives users unparalleled security and anonymity, coupled with additional benefits like instant transactions and (relatively) low fees. Considering the trends, crypto gambling platforms now take up a hefty portion of the whole online gambling market. Unfortunately, they are unregulated so we don’t have any exact numbers to share with you here.

Online Casinos Offer Free-to-Play Slots

This is a feature most new players tend to overlook. It’s true – lots of online casinos allow you to test their games before committing to a deposit. Thanks to the free-to-play option, you can test any game you’d like. You’ll get a limited amount of credits, but don’t let that worry you – if you lose them all, simply restart the game and you’ll get the default value back again.

Live Tables Are Gaining Lots of Traction

Live tables have been gaining a lot of traction in recent years, especially during the lockdown period when casinos were barred shut. The primary reason for this is the good old convenience factor. Table games offer a gambling experience similar to that of real physical casinos… but without having to leave the comfort of your home.

A good portion of the reasoning here comes down to the social benefits too. Live dealer table games allow players to socialize with the dealers as well as their competitors, which adds a great deal to the immersion. It’s something you’ll never get from playing online slots, video poker, and similar gambling games.

Difference Between Licensed and Unlicensed Casinos

Moving on with our list of the seven awesome online casino facts, let’s talk about licenses! More precisely, let’s talk about the biggest differences between unlicensed and licensed casinos. I reckon we can all agree that licensed casinos are the better option. But, do you guys know what makes them superior to their unlicensed counterparts?

The biggest and most important difference lies in fair play. You see, licensed gambling platforms have to adhere to rules imposed by the international gambling authority that issued their license. In other words, they have to follow a certain set of rules.

They can do whatever they want, really. It might be hard to believe, but there’s nothing that obliges unlicensed gambling platforms from actually paying you out. Even though such examples are rare, unlicensed casinos could technically run away with your winnings.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Unlicensed online casinos could also have unfair (oftentimes even rigged) gambling experience, poor customer support, and inadequate security solutions. In short, there are no benefits to using unlicensed casinos and that’s one of the most important facts about online casinos you’ll read about today!

The Online Gambling Industry Will Keep on Growing

The online gambling industry is not slowing down! It survived the pandemic, two quarantines, and is now going through mild stagnation due to the current economical situation. However, according to Grand View Research, the global online gambling market was valued at 63.53 billion in 2022. It’s only going to keep on growing, though, with predictions suggesting it will expand to 11.7% CAGR (compound annual growth rate in the next seven years (2023 to 2030).

There are several reasons why the online gambling industry is showing no signs of stopping. For starters, mobile internet access is now more accessible than ever before. Plus, more and more countries/states have legalized certain (or all) forms of online gambling and the general public opinion towards gambling is getting more favorable with each passing year.

Sponsorships and ad campaigns make for an important part of the equation too. Online casinos and betting sites continue to spend tons of money on marketing and it really shows in the overall annual expansion of the online gambling industry.

Excessive Gambling Can Lead to an Addiction

There’s just one more thing I’d like to point out here – gambling addiction. It’s a serious issue, one that’s causing lots of suffering across the globe. Contrary to popular belief, gambling addiction CAN happen to anyone. No matter how experienced you are, if you lack self-control, you could end up in a downward spiral.

Excessive gambling is the first stage of developing a gambling addiction. If things take a turn for the worse, you’ll soon end up chasing your losses and that’s bound to get you in serious financial trouble.

If you’re already past the denial stage and you’re ready to take the matter into your own hand, visit BeGambleAware or contact your local help and support agency.


In short, gambling has been around for ages and new technological advancements are only going to help it keep on growing. International regulatory bodies are doing their best to keep up with practices involving crypto gambling as well as augmented and virtual reality.

We’re going to see lots of developments in the online gambling industry over the next couple of years. Fingers crossed the changes will benefit the players and help them get the most out of their gambling activity.

As always, thanks for reading the entire article. We hope you’ve found what you were looking for.