The importance of trusting your online casino review site and why playcasino is worth it

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Whether you are just starting to gamble online or consider yourself a seasoned pro, you have probably checked out a casino review site or two. We could all use more reliable information regarding the recently-launched online casinos. It’s also worth noting that as interest in virtual gambling halls grows, so too does the number of such sites offering seemingly reliable reviews. The question is, however, what exactly verifies a news review website’s reliability.

Keep in mind that it would be great to have no hesitations about trusting a review website. But alas, we live in an era when everything is bought and paid for. Not only are the ratings suspect, but so, too, are the reviews. There are literally hundreds of reviews all over the internet claiming to be the most honest review of the top South African online casinos.

This makes it more difficult to put faith in that source. Because of this, only a select few review sites manage to attract and retain a consistent readership. However, you aren’t alone if you’re wary of online casino review sites. In this article, we’ll explain how to remove any uncertainty about whether or not to trust a review site and why is the best casino review site for South African players.

1.  The reviewers do a lot of research for you

Investigating an online casino is the same as investigating any other company before doing business with them. If you aren’t cautious, you might fall prey to the numerous con artists that lurk online, waiting to take advantage of naive gamers. However, doing your own research can be rather boring, even when it’s about the topic that really interests you. At PlayCasino, expert casino reviewers are tasked to research and put all they’ve gathered into an easy-to-follow review.

So, what kind of information is crucial to know? First, the reviewers make sure the casinos are licensed and controlled by a trustworthy body. If the regulatory body is strict, you’ll have peace of mind that the casino is reputable and that your money is secure. PlayCasino also pays attention to customer service. They will be given a lower rating if they have a history of being slow to respond to player questions and complaints.

2.  They go through the game catalog

When shopping for a new online casino, you always want to know whether the casino has games that interest you. Plus, it’s crucial to know whether the games are fair and random. It’s sadly true that many online games are rigged, which is why it’s essential to check whether the casino software is eCOGRA approved.

Luckily, with PlayCasino at your side, you don’t have to do this alone. The reviewers carefully review the entire game catalog and even make a list of the best ones. You’ll also see whether there’s a live casino or certain table games that could interest you.

3.  They also cover the negatives

A good review site such as PlayCasino will also highlight the cons of certain casinos. Many review sites on the market sing songs praising certain casinos, completely unfoundedly so. This means that those websites are unreliable, and you shouldn’t tryst their reviews. This is not the case with PlayCasino. Though the website carefully chooses which casinos to highlight, they don’t shy away from saying all the drawbacks.

4.  Payment methods are evaluated

Fast, simple, and secure withdrawal and deposit options are a must. Online gambling establishments owe it to their customers to disclose their theoretical return-to-player percentages too.

All of the deposit options at are vetted to ensure they are acceptable for our South African players. Creating an account with a web-based gambling establishment that accepts only cumbersome payment methods is pointless.

In addition, players should know that certain casinos have hidden costs for making deposits and withdrawals. So that you aren’t caught off guard by the extra few Rands that some casinos regretfully collect as their charge, reviews always make sure to expose the casinos’ hidden costs.

5.  You will see user testimonials

Though the reviews you see on are professional reviews, you will sometimes find that there’s a section of the review that includes user testimonials about the casino. This adds a lot of credibility to the site and is a great bonus. When doing a review, professionals may check out the site, sign up for an account, and play a few games, but regular customers will have the most reliable feedback.