Table game jackpot odds vary with number of decks

Author: Live Casino Direct
Table game jackpot odds vary with number of decks
Super Slots

There was once a clear division between casino games: Jackpot hunters went to the slots, table players tried to grind out profits. Now the jackpot odds vary with number of decks.

The biggest jackpot in Three Card Poker is 40-1 on a straight flush. The biggest payoffs are in the Pair Plus portion of the game.

Mississippi Stud is a five-card stud-based game. The pay table maxes out at 500-1 on a royal flush. There are 2,598,960 possible five card hands in which card order doesn't matter. Your chance of a Royal is 1 in 649,740.

The Ultimate Texas Hold'em game is based on seven-card stud. The jackpot is on the blind bet. It's paid according to a pay table that maxes out at 500-1 for a royal flush. Royals come up an average of once per 30,940 hands.