What Are The Best Jackpot Scenes In Movies

Glide Magazine
What Are The Best Jackpot Scenes In Movies
Super Slots

Casino and gambling scenes in movies are not uncommon. In fact, we’ve seen entire blockbuster movies that are based around the casino industry.

Due to the excitement of gambling and winning huge prizes, slot scenes have always been fun to watch. Slot machines dominate the casino space and winning the ultimate jackpot has been the goal for every player that entered the casino doors. If you don’t know what is a jackpot, you can learn more about it here.

Seeing somebody winning a lot of money on a single spin is exciting and sparks up your imagination, which is why we decided to highlight some of the best jackpot scenes in movies. 

Best Slot Jackpot Scenes

What Happens in Vegas

Unlike most casino movies, this one is a romantic comedy but it features an incredible slot scene that is the main premise of the film. 

After a night out in a Vegas hotel where four people including Jack (Ashton Kutcher) and Joy (Cameron Diaz) and their friends, turns into a night that will change their lives forever. After a few drinks they’ve loosened up and Jack and Joy realized that they’ve enjoyed talking to each other a lot.

They thought they were the perfect pair to the point that they decided to get married the same night. 

However, after realizing the mistake they’ve made in the morning, they go to the casino floor to straighten things out. They both agree that they should get divorced immediately, but Joy gives Jack a coin as she says goodbye, and Jack puts the coin into a slot machine winning the $3 million jackpot.

They both rush to the slot machine claiming that they are both winners of the jackpot. After that, they will do everything to make the marriage work and it seems like the jackpot glued them back together. 

Ocean’s Thirteen

When you think about a casino movie, the first thing that comes to mind is the Ocean franchise. Most of their movies include gambling, slots, money heists, and huge jackpots, just like in the scene of Ocean’s Thirteen.

After Reuben Tishkoff suffers a heart attack after being involved with Willy Bank (Al Pacino), Danny Ocean (George Clooney) and his partner Rusty Ryan (Brad Pitt) decide to avenge him. 

The plan is to influence a food critics review of the hotel’s restaurant and hack the casino’s system.

The iconic scene includes Rusty as he sets up a slot machine at the Las Vegas airport to drop the jackpot and leaves the jackpot for the food critic that was used as bait for the process. The food critics win 11 million dollars.

Race to Witch Mountain

You wouldn’t expect to find a slot scene in a movie that includes aliens, but somehow it works. In the movie where the main character Jack Brune (Dwayne Johnson) is transporting two human-from teenagers that are actually creatures from a different planet.

He agrees to take them to an unknown destination for $15,000 and on their way, government agents are looking for them.

The best slot scene in this movie involves Sara (one of the teenagers) when she was trapped in a casino, and she used her powers to show the winning combination on every slot. After all casino players won the jackpot, it turned into complete chaos, allowing Sara, Bruno, and Seth to escape.

Twin Peaks: The Return

Although this is not actually a movie but a TV series, we had to include this scene in the list since it is the best one yet.

The Twin Peaks series directed by David Lynch involves many beloved TV series characters, and the scene in this particular case is quite long.

Here the special agent Dale Cooper found himself in a casino. As he observes a particular slot player, he decides to imitate him. He somehow finds a way to track the jackpot by following the light that appears above a slot machine. 

By playing on the slots where the magical light appears, he manages to hit the mega-jackpot every time.