What Are Common Vip Bonuses At Online Casinos
Subscribingat an online casino shouldalwaysbe a rewarding experience. Casino operators know thatasatisfiedcustomerisa customerthatcomes back to playtheir slots and games. To thiseffect, VIP bonuses have been inventedsocustomerscanfeelvalued and play
This article willgiveyoualist of the main bonusesthatyouwillfind in a VIP section. First, weshould mention thateverycasino isdifferent, but most have the samekinds of bonuses. If you are interested in joining a VIP program for a casino, thenthis article is an excellent place to start.
How To Get A Vip Bonus At Online Casinos?
As youmight have guessed, itisonly possible to obtain a VIP bonus if you’re part of a VIP program. The good news isthatjoiningsuch a program isusuallyvery simple. Most VIP programs are levelsyoucanachieve if youspend a certain amount of money. For example, youmightget the Platinumlevel if you’vedepositedthan 2,000£, and youwillgetthe Gold level if youreachthan 20,000£ in deposit.
Therefore, some casinos willmakeyoujointheir VIP program upon registration. It isstraightforwardbecauseyouhave nothingelse to do but deposit money! Sometimes, youneed to address an email to the casino to be part of the VIP program. Theywillrespondpromptly and let yoube part of their club if youmeet all the requirement.
A VIP program is excellent becauseyoufeel unique as a customer. Let’ssee the list of bonusesyouwillfind in detailplayingthese online casinos as VIPs. If youwant to find the best new VIP casinos, keepreading and beprepared to beamazed.
Free Money On Deposit And Free Spins
One of the mostcommonbonusesthatyouwillfind in online casinos is free money on deposit. For example, youmightreceive 100% of your first deposit up to 500 nairas, whichmeansthat if you’vedeposited 500 nairas, youwillreceive 500 nairasisusually a welcomebonus, but youcanbenefitfromitmany times if youbecomea VIP member. Please note thatwageringrequirementsmayapply.
The samegoes for free spins, a bonus for free spins on variousslots. With a VIP membership, youcanget 200 free spins a week, for example. Free spins apply to specific slots, and conditions mayapply.
Cashback is one of the main perks of joining a VIP program. Cashbackis the ability to get a refund on money thatyou’velostplaying casino games. Usually, the cashbackstartsat 5% on a VIP level, going up to 10%, 15%, and reaching 20% on some casinos. It isaperfectway to maintain a good bankrollif youearnconsiderable money.
Withdrawallimitscanbe a problem for playersthat are usedto winningbig. Some casinos onlyallowyou to withdraw5,000 nairas, for example, whichis an issue if youwin a lot of money on some progressive jackpots.
Some VIP programs offeryou the possibility to extendthiswithdrawallimit, whichcan go up to 20,000£ or more. You must obtaina certain level to have the best withdrawallimits.
Access To A Personal Manager
Whileitmight not beconsidered a bonus, some casinos offeryou the possibility to deal witha personal managerwhenyou’vereached a certain level on the VIP scale. This includes24/7 customer service soa manager canalwaysspeak to youwheneveryou have an issue or a question about somegame.
It is one of the mostspecialperks of being a VIP, and itchanges totallyfrom the standard customer service thatcanbea bit longer and less responsive.
Unique Gifts, Paid Vacations
Remember, being part of a VIP membershipis an experiencelike no other, and some casinosgenuinelylike to spoiltheircustomers by constantlyremindingthemthatthey are valued. Some casinos go the extra mile and canoffer a bonus for yourbirthday. The nature of this bonus canvary, but itisusuallyfree spins or money for yournextdeposit. Sometimes, itcanbeactual items likemugs or scarvesrepresenting the casino.
The final form of VIP bonus is the elite of all bonuses, and whileitis rare to obtainitfrom online casinos, It canhappen. If you are a high-roller at an online casino, youmightbeoffered to be part of a vacation to a place famous for sunshineand casino playing. Fancy an all-paid vacation in Las Vegas? Join a VIP membership, and youmightget the trip of yourlifetime!
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