Unusual casino games played around the world

Author: Live Casino Direct
Super Slots

Unusual casino games played around the world. Tic-Tac-Toe Chicken, Birdsong, Fan-Tan and Quantum Roulette are some of the most interesting examples. The game is still available to play at fairs and events across the US. It takes around a month to train a chicken to be able to take part in TIC-tac. Fan Tan is a game of utter chance that bears some resemblance to roulette. The Chinese people love playing Go. They also love to bet on birds singing. There are no games similar to FanTan available online.

Unusual casino games like Dreidel are played around the world. Dreidel is a popular game in the Jewish community. Players place their bets by placing cash in middle of the table and then they take turns spinning the dreidel. A Hebrew letter features on each side of a dreeidel and the meaning of each is: Nun means nothing, Gimel means everything, Hey means half, Shin means put in and adds more money to the pot. The game concludes once the players have won the money and a new round usually follows.

Nun means nothing, Gimel means everything, Hey means half, Shin means put in and Shin adds more money to the pot.