The Role of RNG in Cash App Casino Slots: A Gamer's Perspective

Games Reviews
The Role of RNG in Cash App Casino Slots: A Gamer's Perspective
Super Slots

One of the interesting parts of online cash app casinos featuring slot machines is the randomness and factors surrounding it. Lots of people are slightly misguided in thinking that the software is rigged so that players never win. We look into the finer details around Random Number Generators and draw parallels to video games.

Definition of Random

For a word that is so often used, the objective of being ‘truly random’ is very difficult. The definition is: “made, done, or happening without method or conscious decision.” For a person to make a random decision is very hard because there are consistent influences. When asked ‘Give me a random number’, the respondent might think they are giving a number out of the blue, but the chances are they are influenced by something they experienced earlier. I.e. they saw somebody wearing a ‘David Beckham No.7’ shirt in the street, leading them to say seven when asked the prior question. As human minds can’t do this, it’s also hard for AI or algorithms to come up with being ‘truly random’ too.

Technology loves data input. This is how computer systems and online platforms work around randomness. Websites, applications, or other outlets can collect insignificant data sets anonymously and use them to formulate unpredictable numbers. I.e. measuring the exact amount of nanoseconds a user spends on a web page, how many keystrokes, and how many clicks they make during 10 seconds. Then they can work these numbers together by multiplication, division, or whatever equation, to make a fairly random and undesigned set of figures. These can later be used to formulate random rates for online gambling purposes.

What Level of Randomness is Good Enough?

Well… It’s hard to quantify. Essentially, gamblers using online and physical slot machines want a fair game while still retaining the thrill. The best Cash App Casinos and other online operators will observe and display their RNG information that is used for each slot game so that you can make an informed decision. Some operators go into good detail about the likelihood of winning. Generally, the more information they give the fairer the experience.

Of course, when there’s money on the line it means more to have a decent random functionality. However, when it comes to how random injuries come up on FIFA 23 or which respawn point you’ll appear at in Modern Warfare, it’s somewhat less paramount to your life.

Creating Randomness Isn’t New

Trying to replicate random events or behaviour isn’t a new phenomenon. Take Pac-Man for example, the game from NAMCO and Atari made back in the early 1980s. You control Pac-Man, as you try to collect the small yellow dots while avoiding the ghosts who will defeat Pac-Man if they come into contact with him.

The CPU ghosts have a predesignated code to follow which determines the kind of movement they’ll take. To avoid the game becoming repetitive, their behaviour and movement will change based on Pac-Man’s location, how many dots are left, and if they’ve been displaced when the bigger dots are acquired by the player. While some boffins have dived deep into the code and found out the exact workings, there are enough moving parts that make the game feel distinct and random every time.

Comparing Randomness to Contemporary Video Games

If you’ve ever played a game online you’ll have been subject to ‘matchmaking’. This is the process where the servers try to pit you against someone with a similar competitive record to give you a decent chance of success and an entertaining game. However, they can’t match everyone. It depends on who is online. Therefore it will try to select the best match but for the most part, it’s random as players are logging on and off at great speed.

Some video games could truly re-address their random factors. During the 2010s lots of young adolescent men played the Call of Duty series online. The near addiction level to the game led a lot of people to completely memorize the respawn locations (across various maps) for players re-entering the game. As such, they’d defeat you immediately. This could go on and on, where opposition players would score a cheap kill and make the game very frustrating. If you find that your online slot machine is like this where nine spins out of ten land on the same combination, you might want to try a different game.

Unfortunately, one random element that can’t be taken from video games over to online slot machines on Cashapp Casinos is EA Sports’ sliders. These have been commonplace in the majority of their titles. In games like NHL, NFL, and FIFA users can shift the likelihood of match events and their probability. I.e. shifting CPU accuracy down will make them misplace the puck more often, or putting the player’s GK ability up will increase the likelihood of your keeper making multiple world-class saves.