The Best Browser Gaming Genres

Author: Live Casino Direct
The Best Browser Gaming Genres
Wild Casino

In the 21st century, digital gaming is where it's at. Browser games are lightweight, effortless games played in a web browser. They don't need to download any time and space-consuming client software to play them. In this article, we'll take a look at three of the best browser gaming genres.

Digital board games are a staple of the gaming industry. They are the perfect type of games to enjoy in-browser. Catan Universe, the digital version of Settlers of Catans is our top pick.

Most iGaming operators will let you play free games in your browser.

Roguelikes are a new gaming genre. They are simple and lightweight, so you don't need the latest gaming PC or laptop to play them. Big Bad Waffle's Isleward is a good example of a roguelike game.