Statistical Analysis: Do Casinos Pay Better at Night?

The Southern Maryland Chronicle
Statistical Analysis: Do Casinos Pay Better at Night?
Super Slots

If you are a regular at casinos, it is very likely to have heard people say that casinos pay more at night. But is this a fact or a misconception? Does the casino manipulate their slot machines so that they pay more at night? Is there something about nights that makes winning at casinos easier?

If you are one of those who will like to get the answers to these questions then you have to keep reading! First, let us talk about how slot machines work.

Slot machines use what is called a random number generator (RNG) to decide payouts. The RNG is a process that generates a sequence of statistically random numbers. The game is programmed to determine the winning frequency and players that get the winning combinations are also determined by random.

So whether you’re playing the best online pokies or the physical slot machine, the same happens anytime you press the spin button. You are instructing the game to capture one of the random numbers that are constantly generated. The slot machine then compares this random capture with the game’s programming to determine if you have won or lost.

There is an advantage to winning progressive jackpots when a lot of people are in the casino. In this way, weekends and night games might be beneficial. Progressive jackpots work in a way that the more people are playing, the higher the jackpot, and the higher the payout for the eventual winner.

If you prefer playing pokies online, the good strategy here will be getting as many free spins as you can. After all, the more spins you make, the higher your chances to hit the winning combination. Fortunately, provides a great list of online casinos which offer free spins as no deposit bonus. Remember that if you won the progressive jackpot the previous night, it doesn’t guarantee your next winnings.

One thing is sure, the machine doesn’t look at your past results to determine if you win the next or not. Everything is completely random. Gamblers who think that slot machines pay more at night haven’t paid attention to one factor. There are more people in the casino at night.

Let’s take an example of a game that is programmed to return 5 wins in every 100 trials. The more people have played this slot, the faster time is to reach the 100 trials and win the prize. Basically, this is how slot machines work and how the winning combinations are made.

If you play slot machines because you think they will pay more at night, you may be doing it wrongly. Players need to be able to determine the best time that works for them. The table below gives answers to some general misconceptions about gaming in the night.

Now you know that your chances of winning at a casino are not necessarily influenced by the time you play but by luck. Let us look at some ways that you can improve your chances of winning at any casino despite the time of the day.

The return to player is the rate at which you can make winnings at the casino. It is usually calculated in percentages. The higher the RTP, the better your chances of winning. When gambling, always go for games with at least 96% RTP. You can always find the RTP of any game on the official website of the provider.

While RTP refers to the probability of winning, volatility relates to the frequency and how much you can win at a time. When you see a game with high volatility, it means that you will have a lower frequency of winning but when you do win, you will win big.

A game with low volatility means you will have a higher frequency of winning but each win will bring lower returns. Medium volatility is an intermediate between high and low volatility. You win a reasonable amount at regular intervals.

So, if you want huge winnings, go for games with high volatility. And if you want frequent winnings, go for games with low volatility.

Whether it is at a traditional casino or an online casino, always take advantage of the bonuses and promotions on offer. So either it is a free spin on a slot machine or a welcome offer in online slots, use them. Instead of looking for the best time to play, take advantage of bonuses. They are very useful in increasing online slots’ pay.

Saying that an online casino or traditional casinos pay more at night is factually wrong. As you now know that casino winning is mostly determined by luck and choosing the kind of casino games you play.

Also, there is no best time for gambling just play when you are comfortable. As a gambler, you can win more when you play slot games with high RTPs and high volatility. Remember to always gamble responsibly.