Safe Slots: 6 Important Security Features to Look For

Safe Slots: 6 Important Security Features to Look For
Wild Casino

Playing at a casino can put yourself at risk, especially if you prefer online establishments over brick and mortar casinos. However, many casinos will put in security measures that lessen the likelihood of your information being stolen, including but not limited to cameras. Let’s look at some of the ways both online, and brick and mortar casinos keep slots fair and safe.


Although cameras don’t directly affect the game, they do ensure that no cheating occurs from the players or the casino staff. These are usually strategically placed all around the casino to keep patrons safe as well, as brick and mortar casinos could attract the wrong people. Online casinos use algorithms and encryption methods that act as virtual security cameras. These prevent hacking from players.

Rules of Conduct

Another security method that protects the casino as a whole is through their own conduct. Rules of conduct state how a patron should act while gambling. Without these rules, customers could break gambling laws or bylaws. For example, you aren’t allowed to take pictures within a casino to keep the games fair while also protecting other patrons who may not want anyone to know they’re in the building. Using recording equipment to watch slot machines will inevitably lead to unfairness, so all rules of conduct prevent these devices in general.

Multiple Payment Options

Brick and mortar casinos don’t have many issues with stolen identity because of their chip system. You pay the casino money in exchange for chips, so if a hacker does try to steal your information, it must be done within the casinos’ internal network and not from the games themselves.

However, online casinos are more prone to hacking since anyone from anywhere could steal the information if they have an internet connection. To make it less likely your information is stolen (besides encrypting their network), online casinos will offer multiple payment options, including Skrill, Paysafecard, Paypal, and others with additional security procedures.

Other online casinos will even let you try out their slots for free before you take advantage of their multiple payment options. Many Spins has a full database of free to play slots you can try if you want to avoid playing with real money initially while you familiarize yourself with the game.

Fairness of the Games

It may take many spins for a patron to realize this, but many slot machines tend to work in favor of the casino. Despite this, it doesn’t mean a slot machine is unfair; the casino just does this to protect their assets. The fairness of slot machines is certified by accredited regulatory bodies like TST and eCOGRA for both online and brick and mortar establishments. Slots specifically use a random number generator to ensure there is no correlation between spins.

Limiting Deposits and Withdrawals

Many casinos (both online and brick and mortar) will limit deposits and withdrawals on their machines or within the casino to avoid identity theft. By putting a limit on deposits and withdrawals, the casino can ensure that there aren’t huge transfers of money between the casino and the patrons. Credit cards do this for the same reasons. If a lot of money is transferred out of your account, it’s frozen and limits the damage done by hackers.


All official gambling establishments must have a license to operate legally. Getting a license isn’t difficult and can take less than a month to arrive after filling out an online form. Considering how easy it is to receive a permit from the government, you should be suspicious if the establishment you wish to gamble at doesn’t have one. Most online casinos will proudly show their license, where it’s from, and the year it was issued on the front page of their website or somewhere within the brick and mortar casino. If the staff can’t direct you to the license or aren’t giving you a straight answer regarding whether they have one – don’t gamble there.