Quick Fixes: How To Improve The State Of Casino Gaming

Author: Live Casino Direct
Quick Fixes: How To Improve The State Of Casino Gaming
Wild Casino

Online casinos are booming right now. There are improvements to be made. The first suggestion on this list should be able to happen sooner rather than later.

VR Horse Betting is a growing trend. It allows people to bet on horse racing and get a ticket to the virtual race. It could be used for everything from MMA fights to stand-up comedy. The technology is already available in some games. In the future it could also be available for sports betting.

There are plenty of slots that offer sequels, but they don't have enough storylines. Final Fantasy VII is a great example of a narrative game. The company would like slot developers to make more of an effort to create storylines for their games.

People should be able to create in-game avatars in online casinos. Facebook is already ahead of the curve with their Oculus VR avatar. Facial recognition software could be used in the future to express themselves solely with body language and facial expressions.