Psychology of online casino players

Author: Live Casino Direct
Psychology of online casino players
Super Slots

Psychologists have discovered that casino gambling is an elaborate psychological trap. Everything is designed in such a way that players constantly receive a psychological reward and do not quit the game even if they lose money. oriental casinos are built according to all the rules of feng shui.

The gambling industry has always used various methods to encourage people to gamble. The industry invested heavily in research on human psychology.

Studies show that color is associated with certain emotional conditions and can affect blood pressure, respiration, and excitability. Red evokes excitement, blue gives a feeling of comfort and security, while reddish light makes people bet more than blue.

The casino always plays soft noise or background music. Music can increase arousal or relax people. The louder the background, the faster the guests place their bets.

Charm can influence play behavior. Experiments conducted in a Las Vegas casino show that spraying pleasant smells in the slot machine area can increase the number of guests’ bets.

The restaurant in the casino is usually located in either the middle or at the back of the interior space. Players must cross the playing area before and after eating.

Many casinos in the US provide their guests with free alcoholic drinks. Some obsessive gamblers do not want to leave the slot machine or roulette table to buy drinks or food, for fear that someone else will take the “happy seat”

The main goal of casino bonuses is to attract new customers to a gaming platform. Casino bonuses are relevant not only for new users, but also for regular gamers.

Survey in UK shows that gamblers are often too optimistic during the game.

C casinos are starting to use smart cards. Smart cards are convenient for guests and speed up spending money. They are similar to credit cards used by consumers. People use credit card to spend more money in the store. They also feel less guilty about spending too much.

Gambling is a mental activity that is rewarding. You should use this knowledge to your advantage when you visit a casino.