Premium Bonds checker: How to check if you've won NS&I £1m jackpot
Martin Lewis gives updated advice on premium bonds.
Premium Bonds are a type of savings account where customers put money into and the interest paid is decided by a monthly prize draw. Premium Bonds holders could win up to £1 million tax-free in the NS&I draw in November.
Two Premium Bonds holders have won the top £1million jackpot this month. Both winners come from Bristol. Bond 332GB855665 has won its investor the prize.
NS&I has introduced a reduction in interest rates. Chances of winning a Premium Bond number have reduced from 24,500/1 to 34,000/1000. There will be more than a million fewer prizes in December's draw than November's.
NS&I's top jackpot is £1m. Millions of investors have pocketed prizes in tonight's draw. You can check if you've won using the NS&i's free app or online prize checker.
Premium Bonds are bought for children. They can be forgotten about over the years. 1.7 million Premium Bonds prizes remain unclaimed with a total value of more than £65 million.