NJ lawmakers told: Out-of-control gambling is ruining lives

Author: Live Casino Direct
NJ lawmakers told: Out-of-control gambling is ruining lives
Wild Casino

$725 million was spent on TV ads in New Jersey last year. Council on Compulsive Gambling of New NJ's executive director Felicia Grondin warned of the dangers of gambling addiction. She said gambling is a hidden addiction and it ruins lives. There is nearly a 20% suicide rate of those exposed to gambling. It is the highest suicide level of any addiction, according to GrONDin. The 1-800-GAMBLER helpline has received more calls.

Grondin recommends a number of steps to combat the growing social epidemic of gambling. She also wants to increase funding for the council. Assemblyman Ralph Caputo, D-Essex, called the amount of sports betting ads “obscene” and indicted points raised by Grond in the committee.