Vows to Build a New Blockchain Gaming Platform is expanding its scope of operation with the announcement of a platform that will enable the company to pursue other forms of online gambling. The platform is powered by blockchain technology. is developing a new platform based on the blockchain technology. The platform will enhance the product diversity and security of the upcoming project. board chair and CEO Tony DiMatteo believes that the future of gaming is based on blockchain technology. Project Nexus will be an important step towards realizing this project. Lottery will focus on the main strength of blockchain-based gaming solutions, which is transparency and improved security across all verticals.
"It's crucial for any player to have full trust and confidence in the integrity of whatever game they are playing"
Project Nexus will develop proprietary lottery games in the United States and outside the US. plans to allocate a portion of the jackpot winnings to various social and environmental causes. FunFair Games has been developing blockchain games. Funfair Technologies COO Lloyd Purser recently spoke to CoinGeek about the use of blockchain technology in gambling.