Life after the pandemic: More than half of the UK plays online games

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Life after the pandemic: More than half of the UK plays online games
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The pandemic has really set fire to the Britons gaming habits. More and more people like to play online games now, more so than ever before. So many in fact, that it’s now more than half of the adult population in the UK who entertain themselves with online games.

The pandemic did some wild things for the gaming industry. Gaming was growing in popularity already, but the pandemic set a fire to it. The numbers in the UK doubled. Now, more than half of adult Brits (51%) play online games in some way. Many looked for new ways to entertain themselves and gaming was an obvious way to do so. At the same time, video games are a natural development of the digitalization of entertainment. In 2022 there are more games than ever before, which means that the reach is much wider.

You can play on your phone, your computer, a console, or other devices. The selection of online games today is close to endless. A study shows that around 28 percent of adult Brits downloaded their very first game during the pandemic lockdowns. And now they’re hooked on online games.

Convenience leads people to mobile games and casino

Two popular types of games are online casino games and mobile games – often combined. Mobile gaming is already a big thing but it’s going to continue to make more room in the gaming industry in the upcoming years.

People like the convenience of being able to play whenever and wherever they want. The popular casino games are also very popular as mobile games for the same reason. Casino games are an entertainment form that you can play whenever. If you’re interested in casino games, you can see much more on

The new gamers are people of all ages and genders. It’s a general increase across demographics. Of course, there are some groups that stand out from the rest. Young men under the age of 24 are well-represented in the gaming world.

Also, many British dads between the ages of 25 and 44 spend their time on video games. More than half (59%) of dads in this age group like to play computer or video games every week. Many of them state that they also like to play mobile games often. Statistics show that the number of dads who play video games is almost double the number of mums in the same age group.

More than half of adults under 24 play video games every week and mid-lifers are almost at the same rate now.

Adults between the ages of 25 and 34 fall behind in these statistics. It seems like the pandemic has sparked a real interest in gaming among adult Brits.

It will be interesting to see if it sticks. As everything is becoming more digital and so much of our entertainment is going on online, the increase in video games’ popularity is a natural effect of that.