Is the bingo industry growing with the rise of Online Gambling?

Fantha Tracks
Is the bingo industry growing with the rise of Online Gambling?
Wild Casino

Let’s be real for a second here; human beings just love to gamble, there is literally no arguing with it! In fact, historians have recently uncovered compelling evidence to suggest that gambling was common in day-to-day society as far back as 2000 BC, which means that we have been gambling as a species for a very long time indeed! 

One game that isn’t always mentioned when it comes to gambling is bingo, often left in the wayside as a result of the more popular casino games like blackjack or poker at Barbados Bingo – All Bingo Games. But here’s the thing: the 21st century global bingo industry is second to only slots for popularity these days, as it has grown by an extreme amount over the past two decades.

It is logical to assume that the bingo industry is growing with the rise of online gambling, and it’s a question we are going to answer in the article below.

How are the bingo industry and online gambling industry related? 

First off, it’s useful to know how exactly the bingo industry and online gambling industry are related, because it will help us see the relation between both of these things a bit clearer. It’s important to remember that bingo, although it isn’t usually found in casinos, is still a part of the gambling industry as a whole, and this is the main reason why the bingo industry and online gambling industry are related. 

Do you really think bingo providers were just going to sit around and watch whilst people like slot developers and online casino sites exploited the online gambling market? Of course not, so of course the bingo industry was going to follow suit and move into the online gambling market. 

A look at the numbers 

Now then, just to illustrate how much the bingo industry has grown in the last couple of decades since online gambling has been successful let’s take a look at the numbers. It’s fascinating really, because whilst online casinos had a 3.9% increase in revenue in the period between April 2018 and March 2019, online bingo had a 12.5% increase in the same period! 

That’s a pretty stark difference, although its important to notice the difference in actual revenue: online casinos ate £3.2 billion, and online bingo at £198 million. Still though, it shows how much the bingo industry is growing alongside online gambling.

Why would the bingo industry be growing with the rise of online gambling? 

But something that many people are asking is why the bingo industry is growing with the rise of online gambling, aren’t they two different things? Well, effectively yes they are, but as we have mentioned already, online gambling and the bingo industry are very closely linked. 

The main reason why the bingo industry is growing with the rise of online gambling is because the online gambling world has enabled bingo providers to move onto the Internet. Furthermore, because of online gambling far more people are aware that online bingo is also an option!