Huge Jackpot of Rs. 255,182,923 paid out online in a Slot Machine

Author: Live Casino Direct
Huge Jackpot of Rs. 255,182,923 paid out online in a Slot Machine
Wild Casino

A UK based bettor earned Rs. 255,182,923 after placing a bet of 7.25 euros in a slot machine. Mega Moolah is the game which made it possible. The scope of casino gaming, slot machines, blackjack etc. is being rethought. The online casinos are becoming more and more popular.

Huge jackpot of Rs. 255,182,923 was paid out online in a Slot Machine. Genesis Casino is run by the company Genesis Global Ltd. The game Mega Moolah, which is a progressive slot game, was celebrating its 13th anniversary last month. It has a stupendous turnout since its inception and has paid over 121 million euros.

Mega moolah game churned out huge amount of money. People are going haywire to know the identity of the winner.

Huge jackpot of Rs. 255,182,923 was paid out online in a Slot Machine. The winner is from Hyderabad.

Huge jackpot of Rs. 255,182,923 was paid out online in a Slot Machine.

The rules of progressive slot games are different from conventional ones. The algorithm changes with the number of players. Different people play different games at the same time, which doubles up the money. People can use their bonus round at any stage. Free spins are another method of earning.