How the Game Bingo is Defined?

Wild Casino

Bingo is one of the most traditional games in the UK and not only. We can honestly say that this is one of the few games that have grown significantly during the past years, thanks to the amazing advertising agencies and affiliate websites, promoting this type of gambling activity hardly. However, according to the latest Gambling Act 2005, bingo still does not have a specific statutory definition.

Introduction into Bingo

In the past, there were many enquiries related to bingo and how it should be defined. Though the only authority that can define the game bingo is the court and still there is no definition of this interesting game based on the lottery principle.

It is known that bingo is based on lottery games and you will need to stake money in order to win something as a prize in return but it is not the typical gambling activity you use to know. Everyone knows that bingo is being played by the players in order to win cash or other prizes but it is not mandatory, this makes it the perfect game that is not considered gambling.

Reasons to Join Bingo Sites

Have you ever wondered why you have to join a particular bingo site? There are many reasons why to do that as the most popular is called winning money. You will have the chance to get lots of promotions and bonuses, which will significantly increase your chances for earnings. Of course, there are other reasons such as pleasure from the game, meeting new friends and even relaxing after a long day at work. If you want to know more reasons to join the best bingo sites at check the website and learn them by yourself.

Fundamentals of the Game Bingo

In the description of the 1978 Royal Commission report, we can see that the game bingo is treated as a lottery game too:

Bingo is a lottery played as a game. Each player receives for his stake a set of numbers that he has not chosen. These are marked off against numbers selected at random and announced by a caller, and the winner is the person who can first substantiate a claim to have marked off all those, or a particular section of those, in the set he has been given.

The most important part of this report is the fact that bingo is distinguished from casino games and other types of gambling activities.

When it comes to fundamentals, we can highlight three different points:

  • Bingo has to be played as an equal chance game
  • Bingo need to involve a degree of taking part in
  • Bingo games must have a certain defined endpoint.

Bingo Has to Be Played As an Equal Chance Game

To be classified as an equal chance game, bingo needs to be compliant to both terms below:

  1. It must not involve playing or betting against a bank/house
  2. It needs to be a game in which the chances are equally fair. Absolutely every ticket or chance (depending on the platform) must have the same odds of success.

Exactly because bingo is considered an equal chance game, it is good for you to visit where lots of promotions can be claimed, so you can have better chances to win from the bingo casino games if you wish to play with real money.

Bingo Need to Involve a Degree of Taking Part In

To distinguish from lottery there is only one rule – players must be involved in the game and participate actively. This means that every player is required to make interactions with the selected game, in this case – bingo.

Bingo Games Must Have a Certain Defined Endpoint

If one game is classified as bingo, it must end in an already predetermined endpoint. This point of the end must be relevant, natural and clearly discussed with the other players. The period when every player is about to claim a prize should be considered an endpoint.


No matter what the real definition of bingo is, we consider it as an opportunity to get us distracted from real life and have fun while playing it with friends. It is also a good activity for making money, either online or offline. The game is especially popular in the UK and there are hundreds of sites and bingo halls that provide such entertainment.