Homewood Endorses Daly Group LLC For Proposed Casino Development

Homewood Endorses Daly Group LLC For Proposed Casino Development
Wild Casino

HOMEWOOD, IL — The Homewood Village Board voted 5-1, approving an endorsement resolution for the future development of a south suburban casino at the regular meeting held on Sept. 28. Trustee Karen Washington voted no.

The agreement is between Homewood and the village of East Hazel Crest. The board endorsed Daly Group LLC for the development of a south suburban casino, and if awarded a license, with applicants Wind Creek for the proposed casino gaming facility.

In December 2012, Homewood and East Hazel Crest entered into an "Intergovernmental Agreement to Jointly Develop Property within Villages of East Hazel Crest and Homewood" for development of a casino gaming and entertainment facility on a site within the villages. In 2013, the villages published a "Single Phase Request for Qualifications and Proposals-Casino Gambling Development and Operations" (RFP) to consider multiple proposals for the site at Halsted Street at 174th Street in Homewood and East Hazel Crest.

In May 2013, Daly Group LLC expressed interest in the development. However, the Illinois General Assembly did not pass authorizing legislation contemplated by the RFP, setting the project back.

According to village documents, on June 28, 2019, Governor JB Pritzker signed Public Act 101-0031, authorizing the issuance of a casino license to an operator in Bloom, Bremen, Calumet, Rich, Thornton, or Worth Township — which includes the Villages of Homewood and East Hazel Crest. In October 2019, the villages certified to the Illinois Gaming Board that Wind Creek IL LLC is slated to be the owner and operator of the anticipated casino.

The Illinois Gaming Board is set to hear applicants' presentations for the slot.