Dominican Gov. tightens rules on gambling

Dominican Today
Dominican Gov. tightens rules on gambling
Wild Casino

Santo Domingo.- To achieve a more effective inspection and prosecution, the Ministry of Finance and the Prosecutor General signed the new Protocol for the persecution of consortiums or lottery parlors, sports betting, slot machines, games online, ambulatory gambling with mobile devices and other unauthorized modalities.

The agreement, signed by the Minister of Finance, Jochi Vicente, and the prosecutor general, Miriam Germán Brito, aims to prevent operators of gambling establishments from carrying out their activities outside of current legal regulations.

The execution and direct monitoring of the enforcement of the protocol will be in charge of the heads of the Vice Ministry of the Treasury of Finance and the General Directorate of Persecution of the Public Ministry, officials who will propose the inter-institutional mechanisms for the proper application and will establish the corresponding operational links for the compliance with the agreement.