Digital instants have arrived
![Digital instants have arrived](/img/li/digital-instants-have-arrived-1.jpg)
Digital instant lottery games are officially here!
The North Carolina Education Lottery is committed to keeping its games fresh and exciting for our players. We are excited to offer a new way to play with the introduction of digital instant games starting today. These new lottery instant win games are played exclusively online on the lottery’s website or NC Lottery Official Mobile App.
Here are just a few of the things we think you’ll love about digital instants:
- Convenience: You can play these games anywhere in North Carolina, at any time.
- Cost: These games feature a variety of prices per play, including amounts that are lower than traditional lottery games. Tickets typically start at $.50.
- Variety: There is a wide assortment of games to choose from with new games added every two weeks.
- Bonus Rounds: Digital Instant games frequently offer bonus rounds providing exciting experiences with guaranteed wins if you reach them. And players can try Demo Mode for each game to test them out before playing for real money.
Click HERE to check out the eight brand new games, each offering tons of cash prizes that you can now win instantly from the comfort of your home.
We will have more updates for you over the next few days so keep checking our website and social media channels for all your digital instants news.
We hope you enjoy this fun new way to play the lottery!