Dealers Give Their Insider Knowledge About Casinos Via Reddit

Author: Live Casino Direct
Wild Casino

Reddit has a number of threads where purported casino employees talk about the secret strategies casinos use to tempt players into parting with their cash. The stories are supposed to be from former or current casino workers, but there is no way to verify them.

Dealers give their insider knowledge about casinos via Reddit. They discuss the statistical differences between popular and less popular games.

The dealer is not there to try and make money for himself or her, but to make sure you tip them more. The dealer in Vegas helped his friends learn craps in a slow time. The tips from the dealer are available on Reddit. They are useful in casinos. It is better to build a rapport with the dealers. If you are making them money, they will want you to stay. There is no profit-sharing in the casinos so dealers don't get anything.

Iamamallama recommends that people get a membership card at all casinos. If the casino can track what you play and spend over a period of time, it is more likely to offer you the free ‘comps’ that are one of the main benefits players can receive from the casinos and is a valuable piece of advice if they play regularly at casinos or intend to play a lot on a vacation.

After a big win at a casino, pan0ramic suggests asking the security guards to escort you to your car. He also advises not to be shy about leaving the casino. He recommends to offer them a tip for their help.

Dealers give their insider knowledge about Casinos via Reddit. Casino bars attract all walks of life.

Dealers give their insider knowledge about casinos via Reddit. YakiVegas explains that a hot single girl by herself at the bar is usually a hooker.

Reddit users have all commented on the fact that there is no magic switch in the casino that can be flicked and which will see all the slot games in that casino start paying out.

Reddit user explains how the process of changing the payout rate of a slot machine works. The process can take several months depending on the outcome of the application. The percentage is set by the site manager and the mathematical momentum takes effect. There are many interesting stories and observations from people who have worked in the pit at casinos.