Calvin Ayre Reveals How the Gambling Industry Will Embrace Blockchain

Author: Live Casino Direct
Calvin Ayre Reveals How the Gambling Industry Will Embrace Blockchain
Wild Casino

Calvin Ayre is the founder of Ayyar Group and a member of CoinGeek's new weekly show, Hashing It Out. Ayry predicts that the gambling industry will embrace the benefits of using the technology.

Calvin Ayre is the founder of Ayr Group and CoinGeek. He believes Bitcoin SV (BSV) has potential as a data management platform. Ayrer closed and is organizing events in major cities around the world to discuss BSV. The events will be live-streamed. They will reveal more details on how the BSv technology can solve data problems.

Calvin Ayre explains how the gambling industry will embrace the use of blockchain technology.

Calvin Ayre predicts that in 10 years everything else besides the games will be done via blockchain technology. He believes that BSV technology will soon be integrated within the gambling industry. CoinGeek has launched a gaming channel covering how blockchains are affecting the gaming space. The more companies start using BSVs, the faster they will see how they can pay a fraction of what they usually pay for transfers.

Calvin Ayre predicts the gaming industry will embrace the BSV technology in the next 10 years. He expects a major affiliate to start using the technology. According to him, this revolution is expected this year with more operators getting aboard.